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Dean Martin
(born Dino Paul Crocetti,
June 7, 1917December 25, 1995) was an Italian American singer, film actor, and comedian. He was one of the most famous music artists in the 1950s and 1960s. His hit singles included the songs "Memories Are Made Of This", "That's Amore", "Everybody Loves Somebody", "Mambo Italiano", "Sway", "Volare" and "Ain't That a Kick in the Head".
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20年批张大合唱 张艺谋与各种文化势力的拉锯战


  1984年是一个带有谶语性质的年份。乔治-奥威尔在距1984年还差36年的时候所预言的“大洋国”并没有出现,而Richard Stallman在同年发起的Free Software运动却奠定了网络自由主义的基础,这似乎预示着从1984年开始,将进入一个全面自我表达的年代。我们的主人公——张艺谋进入大众视野,就从这一年开始,而他与当代文化中各种因循势力的拉锯也由此揭开序幕。
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Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | 天使艾米丽 2001
台湾译名: 天使爱美丽
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Fight Club | 搏击俱乐部 1999
Directed by David Fincher
Writing credits (WGA)
Chuck Palahniuk (novel)
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El Otro Lado De La Cama | 左边床右边床 2002
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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | 两支大烟枪 1998
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Lavorare Con Lentezza 2004
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Kirikou et la sorcière | Kirikou and the Sorceress 1998
中文: 叽哩咕和女巫(叽哩咕历险记)
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千与千寻 | 千と千尋の神隠し  | Spirited Away 2001
幽灵公主 | もののけ姫 | Princess Mononoke  1997
百变狸猫 | 平成狸合戦 | Heisei Tanuki Gaasen Ponpoko 1994
红猪 | 紅の豚 | Porco Rosso 1992
回忆点点滴滴 | おもひでぽろぽろ | Omohide Poro Poro (Only Yesterday) 1991
魔女宅急便 | 魔女の宅急便 | Kiki's Delivery Service 1989
龙猫 | となりのトトロ | My Neighbor Totoro  1988
天空之城 | 天空の城 | Castle in the Sky  1986
风之谷 | 風の谷のナウシカ | Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind  1984
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伊豆の踊子     (1974年/日本)  
収録時間:  082分  
製作:堀威夫  笹井英男  
出演:山口百恵  三浦友和  中山仁  佐藤友美
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Life Is Beautiful (Vita è bella, La) 1997  

Directed by Roberto Benigni
Writing credits Vincenzo Cerami and Roberto Benigni
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